Fast growing, drought resistant annual grass with slim, vertical, leafy stems that may grow 4-6 feet tall. Makes rich hay and can produce 1-2 tons of forage per acre for hay. Not recommended for horses. Good for wildlife. Used many times as a summer cover crop or nurse crop for other grasses. Sometimes called the summer annual ryegrass.
Grows very quickly with germination in 2 days or less and is used in cover crops and nurse crop applications. Because it is so fast to germinate seeding rate should remain light. It does not require much water but once stressed the shallow roots creates difficulty to recover.
Grain production is used as bird feed and should not be feed to horses. Golden German Foxtail Millet is what we are describing but the Foxtail Millet family is very large and contains many types. Originated in Asia and is still used as a grain.
Crop Use Information:
Life Cycle: Annual
Ease of Establishment: Excellent
Shade Tolerance: Poor-Fair
Drought Stress: Excellent
Wet Soil: Fair
Anti-Quality: No Prussic Acid and Nitrates
Seed/lb. 80,000 approx.
Hay: Excellent
Silage: Poor
Continuous Grazing: Poor
Rotational Grazing: Fair
Palatability: Excellent
Planting Time |
Planting Depth |
Planting Rate |
Spring, after last frost |
.25-.5″ |
Drilled 20-30 lb. Broadcast 30-40 lb. |
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