Resistant to lodging, medium-early maturity with fair tolerance to barley yellow dwarf virus. Is described as average test weight and medium-short stiff straw. Tolerates moist growing conditions and can be mixed with other legumes and grains. Was released in 1966 under a joint release with Washington and Idaho. At the time it had good stem rust, powdery mildew resistance but susceptible to crown rust. Does not have strong cold tolerant and is planted in the south in the fall, spring in the north. Usage is hay, green chop, and forage.
Planting Time for Grazing: Late Summer or early fall
Planting Time for Grain: Late Fall into January
Planting Depth: 1-2”
Planting Rate: Alone 96 lbs.
Grow Height | Cold Tolerance | Minimum Rainfall |
Planting Rate Acre |
2-4’ | Good | 30” | Alone 96 lbs. |