About Justin Seed
Incorporated in 1958, Justin Seed’s original purpose was to produce and promote quality seed. While our product line and uses for the seed changed, our first goal is still the seed. Justin Seed Company is comprised of three major product lines; Seed, Fertilizer, and Erosion Control. These three products work together in a harmonious way, providing traditional and innovative care to meet your lawn or pasture’s needs.
Our expertise began in field seeds for the production of grain and forage. Since we became a trusted name for field seeds, we received inquiries for a more expanded line of products. Today some of our items include:
As our primary emphasis, we produce custom grasses containing Barley, Rye, Triticale, Oats, hard and soft Wheat.
Grass seeds became a very important area of seed production. The changing demand, variety, and environmental conditions make grass seeds a changing product line. Uses for Native and Introduced grasses include Erosion Control, Forage, Green Manure, Golf Courses, Hay production, Landscaping, Lawns, Overseeding, Parking Areas, Temporary Erosion Control Turf, Sports Fields, and Wetlands. Our major grasses include Bermuda, Bluestems, Buffalograss, Indiangrass, Fescue, Grama, Kleingrass, Lovegrass, Ryegrass, Switchgrass, and Wheatgrass.
In North Texas, our legume production and needs are limited to forage production for livestock and wildlife. Our legumes include Clovers, Vetch, and Winter Peas during the cool season, while Cowpeas are dominant during the warm growing season.
Sorghum production is limited to forage products like Hybrid Forage, Hybrid Sudan, and Open Pollinated forages crops.
Additionally, we carry a full line of Grain Sorghums.
Wildflower production depends primarily on native seed stands, which produce inconsistently. We aim to maintain a full line of wildflowers native to Texas such as Texas Bluebonnets, but we also carry items that adapted to the Southwest.
Our available wildlife seeds supplement, attract, and support an array of wildlife species, including deer, migratory birds, and non-migratory birds. These seeds are blended to produce additional forage for a specific climate.
Our fertilizer facilities allow us to meet our customers’ needs whether bagged or bulk products. Bagging is performed in plastic or paper bags, or in 1,000 to 2,000-pound bulk tote bags. Bulk items are supplied to customers in our 4 to 6-ton customer pulled applicators, or they can be custom applied. The custom application includes both dry and liquid products, with or without pesticides.
Our dry blending equipment is a volumetric system, which uses direct current motors and electric controllers to measure each ingredient. This system is very accurate in blending specialty products for both the agricultural and turf markets. Our ingredients include industry-standard products, slow-release, organic, and trace elements.
In addition to fertilizer, we carry a full line of agricultural chemicals. We represent international manufacturers such as Dow, Monsanto, and Novartis, as well as smaller regional manufacturers. These pesticides include both insecticides and herbicides for agricultural and turf applications.
Keeping erosion to a minimum is an important topic. We believe the most sound and cost-effective erosion control techniques require the use and understanding of establishing plants through the use of the seed. While nature uses plants to control erosion, other things or other products ensure effectiveness.
These photo scans date back to 1963, only a few years after Justin Seed Co. was first established. Throughout the Farm Record Book, you’ll find historic information pertinent to that year.