Many different varieties. In the black lands of Texas cotton root rot limits the life of Alfalfa to 2 to 3 years. For this reason in our locale area we only recommend Oklahoma Common Alfalfa.
Warm season annual legume from the tropics of the old world. It can grow l To 2 feet tall. It has unifoliolate leaves and pink flowers.
An upright, cool-season, reseeding annual legume originating from Euraia that grows to a height of 40 to 50 inches under good conditions. Seeds germinate in the fall, but grow slowly during the winter.
An upright, cool-season, annual legume native to the Mediterranean region that grows to a height of 30 inches under good conditions. Seeds germinate in the fall, but grow slowly during the winter.
Food crop in ancient Egypt and is cultivated today. In the United States it is used for wildlife habitat improvement, particularly as a winter food source for deer and wild turkeys, but is also planted for hogs and waterfowl.
Ace is a small seeded cultivar of forage cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.) developed for use in wildlife supplemental plantings, cover cropping systems and legume hay production.
Good legume for cover and garden. needs warm soil for planting.
Good legume cover. Excellent for quail and deer. Produce forage in 45 days with maturity in 100 days. Plant April - August.
Good legume for cover and garden. Needs warm soil to plant.
Good for legume cover and wildlife. and soil improvement, needs warm soil. Seed are maroon in color and hard-seeded.
Introduced winter annual and herbaceous legume. The leaves and stems of crimson clover resemble those of red clover, but the leaves are round-tipped with more hair on the stems and leaves.
Native, cool-season perennial which can grow up to three feet tall. The plant produces a basal rosette of leaves that can grow eight inches long.
Native, cool-season perennial which can grow up to three feet tall. The plant produces a basal rosette of leaves that can grow eight inches long.
Annual legume and the source of guar gum. Assumed to have developed from the African species Cyamopsis senegalensis.
Native warm season legume used in range revegetation. Multiple stems grow from a woody caudex attached to a deep root system.
Kow Choice Sweet III is a product of Justin Seed Co. with in house packaging and controls to assure quality.
Lab Lab is in the sugar snap pea family and all other varieties are imported from South Pacific.
Shallow-rooted clover that is used in grass mixtures for pasture and wildlife. Due to the shallow-roots it likes soils with adequate moisture.
A major forage crop for the southeastern United States. Common, Kobe, and Korean Lespedeza are annuals. Sericea Lespedeza is perennial.
Selection of naturalized little burr medic developed by Dr. William R. Ocumpaugh of the TAES-Beeville and released by Texas Agricultural Experiment Station.
Bob oats are public release of oats and is considered a Red Winter Oat or a Red Rustproof oat compared with oats from the 1865's.
In the south this is a summer staple at the dinner table. Okra likes warm and hot weather and produces fruit through its entire growing life.
Warm season native perennial that is a member of the legume family. Plant is attractive to bees, butterflies, and/or birds.
Piper Sudan is not a Hybrid Sudan. Piper Sudan is an open-pollinated Sudan that is one of the parents of many Hybrid Sudan. The seed looks more like Johnsongrass and the plant grows out better than Johnsongrass but not as well as Hybrid Sudan.