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$47.00 /50 lbs. (50 pound bag)

Typical 3-way sorghum Sudangrass hybrid with added resistant to Sugarcane aphid.

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$34.50 /50lbs. (50 pound bag)

Trait reducing lignin in the stock. Brown Midrib removes some of the fibers or woody trait (lignin) that the center stem may have.

$27.00 /50lbs. (50 pound bag)

Kow Choice Sweet III is a product of Justin Seed Co. with in house packaging and controls to assure quality.


BMR is a low lignin and Photo period sensitive plant whose seed head development is determined by the length of day and not the date planted.

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Photoperiod sensitive plant whose seed head development is determined by the length of day and not the date planted. This feature allows the plant to continue vegetative growth for an extended period.

$33.50 /50 lbs. (50 pound bag)

Sugar Queen is a small seeded Hybrid sorghum plant crossed with 3 parents called a Sorghum Sudangrass Hybrid. It is noted for producing juicy leaves in combination with sweet stalks while providing fast regrowth and incorporating drought resistant. Good as grazing or hay when cut waist to chest high or before seed head develops. This [...]