Photoperiod sensitive plant whose seed head development is determined by the length of day and not the date planted. This feature allows the plant to continue vegetative growth for an extended period. The length of the growing season does depend on your specific latitude but may exceed 175 days. This allows the producer to determine the harvest date.
Sugar Graze Ultra is a multipurpose crop that can be used for grazing, hay, green chop, haylage, or green manure. When allowed to grow will reach heights over 11 feet with multiply leaves. In 2001 Forage Comparison yielded 35 tons per acre with single cutting in October.
Yield (Tonnage) Very High
Tillering Medium
Regrowth Good
Juice Content High
Sugar Content Medium-High
Male-Sterile No, PhotoSensitive
Seed Size 16,000 Seeds/lbs.
MDMV Resistant
Downy Mildew Tolerant
PLANTING: Recommendation for each area varies. Hay normally ½ the rate of hybrid sorghum x sudangrass or 60- 80 lbs. Grazing 20 –35 pounds if drilled and 10-12 pounds planted in rows. Plant, when the soil temperature is 65° F. and day length, is more than 12 hours and 30 minutes.
GRAZING: Grows up to one inch per day. Grazing can begin after the hybrid is 18 inches in height. Fertilize pastures for maximum yield. Animals will graze leaves and stalks.
HAY: For maximum quality cut at the 6 to 7 ft. stage of growth, leaving 8-10 inches stubble for fast regrowth. Apply nitrogen after each cutting for maximum regrowth.
GREEN CHOP: At any time prior to day length being less than 13 hours.
Prussic Acid and Nitrates management is needed and is not recommended for horses.
Planting Time | Planting Depth | Planting Rate |
Spring, after the last frost | 1-2″ | Drilled 60-80 lb. Rows 15-30 lb.or look above |
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