An annual grass with each stem bearing an unbranched, erect, flattened, bristly spike of narrow, crowded, greenish-brown spikelet.
Originates from the Mediterranean region of southern Europe and North Africa and are often referred to as Mediterranean or summer-dormant types. These summer-dormant fescues basically cease growth during summer in response to long days, high temperatures, and dry conditions. In western regions of Oklahoma and Texas, the Mediterranean summer-dormant fescues offer promise of cool-season production [...]
Cool-season (C3) native perennial bunchgrass. It grows to a height of 18 to 36 inches.
Native bunch grass that spread by short rhizomes and good root depth. Shade tolerant.
South American cool season tufted bunchgrass. Growth begins in late fall and continues through the winter.
Cool-season grazer. Overseed warm-season grasses pasture or turfgrass. When used in turfgrass plant 2-10 lb. per 1000 sqft.
Improvement over annual for grazing, especially in rust prone areas (high rainfall).
Largest use is turfgrass. Used to overseed warm season turf. In adaptable regions plant 2-10 lb. per 1000 sqft.
Largest use is turfgrass. Used to overseed warm season turf or as primary turfgrass. In adaptable regions plant 2-10 lb. per 1000 sqft.
Leafy, sod-forming, perennial, cool-season grass that spreads by rhizomes. This species is both native and introduced.
Good pasture. Cajun II is a forage-type endophyte-free tall fescue that promises broad adaptation and high yields.
Permanent cool season grass. One of the best to use in shade. Excellent year-round lawn when kept watered.
Good pasture. Not recommended to leave livestock on pasture for extended periods. Has been used as turfgrass. Plant 4-10 lb. per 1000 sqft.
Like other Tall Fescue this is normally a permanent cool season grass. However unlike other Tall Fescue Titan Rx has rhizomes that allows it to spread and has more heat/drought tolerance because of the larger root system.
One of the best known and most commonly used native grasses. It is a long-lived, cool season species that has coarse blue- green leaves with prominent veins.
Native, cool season perennial that is short lived. Found on sandy shores and dunes; wooded areas, especially along trails, rivers and streams; and other disturbed sites throughout much of North America.
Native, cool season perennial. Prefers moist soils, high soil fertility, heavier soil textures, and it is shade tolerant. It can be found scattered on shaded banks, along fencerows and in open woodlands.