Native, perennial, warm-season, tall grass species that spreads by seed and elongated creeping,
scaly rhizomes. It is commonly found on loamy or sandy textured soils. It forms a sod with its well-developed rhizomes and often forms dense colonies of 15 to 20 feet in diameter. This medium stature species produces seed from August to October on seed culms that are 3 to 6 feet in height. Leaf blades are up to 12 inches long and 1/8 to 3/8 inch wide. Leaf sheaths are shorter than internodes and hairless. Inflorescences are extremely hairy. The rest of the plant body is glaucous and is described as being blue green in overall color. It is similar in appearance to
big bluestem and the two will occasionally hybridize in nature
Planting Time | Planting Depth | Planting Rate |
Late Winter to Early Summer. | 1/8 to ½ “ | ½ to1 lb. per Acre in Mixtures
5-7 lbs. in Mono Culture |