Recommended for use in parks and playgrounds, golf course roughs, commercial and residential lawns, erosion control, pastures and highway right-of-ways. Short grower–6″ to 1′. Very drought resistant requiring very low maintenance as a turfgrass. New variety tested as SWI2000 for turfgrass use.
Proper seedbed preparation for planting a home lawn is essential. Buffalograss will grow on heavy and compacted soils, but it is easier to start and maintain on good loam soils. Heavy soils may be improved by applying good quality organic matter such as peat moss, aged manure, or compost. Applying a phosphorus fertilizer stimulates seedling root growth, even on soils testing high in phosphorus. Work the soil to a depth of 4 to 6 inches. This may require plowing, disking, or tilling. The seedbed should be uniform, friable, and well-packed. Use tillage methods to control any weeds that may develop before seeding.
Buffalograss is only recommended for low maintenance and low use turfgrass areas. Mowing height and frequency depend on grass use, amount of irrigation, and time of year. Care must be taken when mowing not to cut shorter than 2 to 3 inches to avoid other grasses from out-competing the buffalograss. Buffalograss responds well to light applications of nitrogen. Over- fertilization will promote undesirable grasses within the planted area. Buffalograss is excellent for people who want a large, attractive lawn during the summer with a minimum of work involved. Other advantages of buffalograss for lawns is that it withstands heavy usage and has good drought tolerance. However, potential lawn growers should note that buffalograss is a warm-season grass, it turns brown with fall’s first freezing weather, and will not green-up until warm weather returns. During extended dry periods in the summer months, buffalograss will go brown and become dormant if no supplemental water is provided. Because of aggressive runners, buffalograss can require edging along walks, driveway, and flower beds.
Grow Height | Cold Tolerance | Minimum Rainfall |
Planting Rate Acre |
8’ | Fair | 15” | Pasture 5-10 Pls.
Lawn 4 lb. 1,000 sqft. |
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