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Released in 2022, excellent test weight, resistant to rusts, excellent irrigated yields.
Open Pollinated sorghum that will produce chalky or starchy-white seeds, and is sweet. Some have suggested that hegari is suitable for shallow soils or chlorotic soils.
Suggestion only, call for pricing of custom blends. Plant 40 pounds per acre of this blend containing Wheat, Oats, Barley, Winter Peas, Clover, Turnips, and Radish.
Forage oat that has good disease tolerance, straw strength, good grazer.
Planted to manage soils and biodiversity can be anything. Typically planted when not in competition with the desirable crop. Needs to fit into rotation of the desirable crop.
Resistant to lodging, medium-early maturity with fair tolerance to barley yellow dwarf virus. Usage is hay, green chop, and forage.
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