New Dual-purpose wheat with excellent yield potential, good disease resistance and good end-use quality. Has performed in Texas A&M test exceedingly well under intensive management systems. Released in 2022, excellent test weight, resistant to rusts, excellent irrigated yields. Is adapted to High Plains and State-wide.
*Excellent dual-purpose high-quality variety
* High performer throughout Texas and Blackland’s
* Offers leaf, stem, and stripe virus resistant
* High yield potential in both irrigated and dryland environments
* Good option for high-input wheat growers
* Offers high quality backing qualities for marketing gains
Planting Time for Grazing: Late Summer or early fall
Planting Time for Grain: Late Fall into early winter
Planting Depth: 1-2”
Planting Rate: Alone 100 lbs.
Grow Height | Cold Tolerance | Minimum Rainfall |
Planting Rate Acre |
2-4’ | Good | 22” | Alone 100 lbs. |