Showing 25–48 of 67 results

$110.00 /lbs. (pounds)

Short, bushy, long blooming annual which reseeds readily and is easily grown.

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Native, cool-season perennial which can grow up to three feet tall. The plant produces a basal rosette of leaves that can grow eight inches long.

$5.00 /lbs. (pounds)

Native to Eurasia, this Flax is an annual and through the centuries has been grown by man kind for its fiber and grain.

$55.00 /lbs. (pounds)

Linum perenne European native whose fibers have been used for many uses from linen to ropes.  Wildflower with pretty blue color that is fast growing. Perennial plant that can live for multiple years.  The plant forms clumps of slender wiry stems with narrow leaves.  Pollinators are drawn to it.   Grow Height       Bloom Period             Growing [...]

$50.00 /lbs. (pounds)

Annual native to Africa & Europe, Flowers many times. Heat & drought tolerant blooming in mid season.

$104.15 /lbs. (pounds)

Carex vulpinoidea Wetland sedge that grows from Mexico to Canada.  Creates a fine-leaved plant with a bunch that can be 2 feet in diameter.  Seed head creates a Bronze color when plant matures in the summer Grow Height       Bloom Period             Growing Regions              Planting Rate              Bloom Color Acre 1-3’                       Summer                       Most All                                Up to 7 lbs. [...]

$142.50 /lbs. (pounds)

Terminal flowers, cut flowers arrangements. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Prefers moist but drained sites.

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Stiff goldenrod occurs in open woods, glades, thickets and prairies. Features tiny, bright yellow, daisy like flowers in dense, erect, flat-topped terminal clusters.

$165.00 /lbs. (pounds)

Native to Texas and many or the plains and mountain states. Often found growing in shallow soils, preferring disturbed sites in dry, sandy or gravelly soil with a neutral PH.

$65.00 /lbs. (pounds)

Messembryanthemum criniflorum   Great for ground cover and rock areas with full sun.  Leaves are grey-green, thick and succulent with varying ray of colors from white, pink, yellow green and orange. Is a drought tolerant plant that originated from South Africa and can act as a perennial or annual depending on how cold it gets. [...]

$9.90 /lbs. (pounds)

Native warm season legume used in range revegetation. Multiple stems grow from a woody caudex attached to a deep root system.

$37.50 /lbs. (pounds)

Well adapted native annual wildflower to the plains states. Blooms first year into late summer.

$24.50 /lbs. (pounds)

Phacelia tanacetifolia Native annual wildflower to western North America.  Known as a delicate purple-blue flower that attracts pollinators.  It likes well drained soil and can take full sun to partial shade.  Recently its use has included city plantings in courtyards along with traditional prairie and meadows.  Low and fast growing plant.   Grow Height       Bloom [...]

$45.00 /lbs. (pounds)

Delphinium ajacis consoli   Mediterranean annual that produces spires of pink, blue, lavender, rose and white flowers. Likes full sun and partly shaded areas and tends to be a good re-seeder.  Pollinators are attracted to it and can help cross the colors.  Needs to be planted or come back from seed each year. Normally planted [...]

$0 /lbs. (pounds)

Perennial plant that is a Dicot or easier said a bean. Native from Southern Canada to New Mexico. Likes full sun, dry to medium moisture soils.

$112.50 /lbs. (pounds)

Annual that emits sweet aroma attracting butterflies and hummingbirds. Native to Southern Midwest. Prefers sun and drier soils.

$40.00 /lbs. (pounds)

Native to Texas and central U.S. Very hardy and plant that likes dry open prairies. Attractive, showy flowers.

$232.00 /lbs. (pounds)

This bushy perennial is prized for its large, flat-topped clusters of bright-orange flowers. The yellow-orange to bright orange flower clusters are at the top of the flowering stem.

$144.00 /lbs. (pounds)

Stout, sparingly branched, pubescent perennial, with large, oval, blue-green leaves and showy, spherical clusters of rose-colored flowers.

$165.60 /lbs. (pounds)

Fragrant, showy clusters of pink and light purple flowers. It does well in landscape plantings with moist soil and in plantings near bodies of water.

$95.00 /lbs. (pounds)

A spreading plant, Moss Verbena is naturalized across the south growing in old fields, waste areas and roadsides.

$50.00 /lbs. (pounds)

Chrysanthemum leucanthemum Native to Europe and sometimes called Leucanthemum vulgare.  Is similar to Shasta Daisy.  Ox-Eye Daisy is considered a short lived perennial herb that has a creeping underground rhizome. Its flowers are a typical daisy of white petals and yellow center. While it is grazed by sheep, goats and horses, cattle will not graze [...]

$40.00 /lbs. (pounds)

Attractive to butterflies, Ox-eye Sunflowers are fairly tolerant of drought and partially shady conditions but prefer full sun and moist, well-draining soil conditions.

$23.00 /lbs. (pounds)

Warm season native perennial that is a member of the legume family. Plant is attractive to bees, butterflies, and/or birds.